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March 2025
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Antanas Mončys Art Museum

History of the Museum

Sculptor A. Mončys’ works were brought to Palanga on 1 March 1993. Authorities of Palanga of that time were not prepared for their proper storage and exposition.
On 10 July, 1993 the sculptor died and a non-governmental organization - a foundation for A. Mončys’ creative heritage and its preservation – which was establish by private persons: sculptor’s relatives, friends, admirers of his art and famous public people, took upon itself to take care of the preservation of his works. 
Since the autumn of 1993 the foundation commenced re-constructive work which was supported by the Ministry of Culture, Open Society Fund (Lithuania) and individual people from abroad: Juozas Kojelis, Isolda Požėlaitė-Davis, AM, Anneliese Riewer, Pranas Lapė and others.
On July 10, 1999 a permanent exposition was opened in the museum.


Museum’s collection consists of sculptor Antanas Mončys (1921–1993) works, personal things, working instruments, photographs, furniture, documents and diary sheets, accumulated by A. Mončys’ foundation and received as a gift to Lithuania in 1989–1992.


In the exposition – in the studio imbued by the French spirit - one can see works created by A. Mončys in France: sculptures, drawings, pieces of graphic art, flutes, masks as well as sculptor’s instruments, clothes, documents, sheets from his diary, posters of exhibitions, photographs, illustrations. 
The exposition resembles the sculptor’s studio.
Visitors are free to fulfill the sculptor’s will – to touch the things displayed.
The author of the exposition – architect Valdas Ozarinskas.


In future, after the reconstruction is finished, it is planned to arrange exhibitions of the highest artistic level of Lithuanian and foreign artists.

Cultural, educational activity

The museum has recently singed an agreement of co-operation with educational institutions of Palanga where joint activity in preparing educational programs and organizing cultural events is provided for.
Disabled children together with their teachers of art come to draw in the premises of the museum.
In future it is planned to organize symposia, conferences, meetings and similar events.




Viešoji įstaiga Antano Mončio meno muziejus

S. Daukanto g. 16, LT-00135, Palanga

Company details

Code: 152699022
Ph.: +370 460 49367
or +370 686 76668


A/S LT107300010002353969
Bank "Swedbank", AB
Bank code: 73000

Museum working hours

Monday - closed
Tuesday - closed
Wednesday 11.00 – 17.00
Thursday 11.00 – 17.00
Friday 11.00 – 17.00
Saturday 11.00 – 17.00
Sunday 11.00 – 17.00

The museum is closed on
public holidays

Loreta Birutė Turauskaitė

Tel.: 370 686 76668

Senior accountant
Jonas Paulauskas

Tel.: 370 611 32765


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